
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Teaching Learning Caring
1-2-1 Mentoring Group Kicks Off!
Volunteers from local faith-based groups
begin male mentoring program.
Must watch video... How one experience can make a difference in the life of a middle school student?  click link below...

Discovery Center Partnership with Chick-fil-A and Junior Achievement

Apologue continued....Our students have just completed day 17 out of 177 days. Time flies when you are having fun. Well our flight crew has completed the safety demonstration, all safety belts were fastened, electronic devices were turned-off,  and flight 4345  has successfully passed the above clouds (aka turbulence).  Our plane has hit the optimal cruising altitude of 20,000 feet.  The basic idea behind flight is the "higher the better".  As altitude increases, the air becomes thinner and offers less resistance, allowing the aircraft to fly faster while consuming less fuel. Our school year is very much like a long-haul intercontinental flight.  Similar to a flight crew, we have prepared our students for emergency situations by conducting training exercises and ensuring that our students are "flight ready" through administering diagnostic assessments and using data to inform instruction. One of the top priorities of any flight crew is to reach the  "optimum altitude" as soon as possible.  Like a flight, the higher that we take our students in their learning the better their "flight" will be.  Once a plane reaches cruising altitude the Captain typically announces that all passengers can remove seat belts and enjoy the flight.  This year let's continue to reflect on this idea that rigorous and deep learning, learning at the "optimum altitude", should also prompt our students to take off their seat belts, engage in their learning, and enjoy the flight as much as possible. 

Mrs. Crowley has turned off Fasten seat belt sign
by removing teacher desk and requiring students
to lead the class! High Engagement (9.4.13)

“Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned off the Fasten Seat Belt sign, and you may now move around the cabin. However we always recommend to keep your seat belt fastened while you’re seated. You may now turn on your electronic devices such as calculators, CD players and laptop computers."   

 Remember this blog is a replacement of my weekly memo.  The blog has three basic sections:  TLC, CIA, and Organizational Update... please review each section for updates to stay connected.

Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment (C.I.A) 
click the link below: 

Review our school-wide Balanced Assessment Plan!    

Assessments "for" and "of" learning....

Kudos to McCoy & Strauts for turning up the
1)  EATS: Remember that EATS is our instructional framework and should be clearly posted in your classroom and aligned to standards/objectives:  Essential Question , Activating Strategy, Teaching Strategy, Summarizing Activity... As a general rule of thumb you should revisit your learning objective (essential question) a minimum of three times a period.   Kudos: Mrs. Crowley has her students introduce EATS. 
2) Text Books:  C.J/ Saffold are our new text book coordinators.  The team is in the process of reviewing our inventory. We have a variety of resources in our text book room that we would like to begin archiving in our classrooms.  It is best practices to keep the resources as close as possible to the end user!  Supplemental and consumable  materials will now be stored in teachers classrooms for quick access.  Classroom novel sets will be archived and stored in the Media Center. 

3)  RTI:  "Universal Screener" - STAR Reading and Math will be administered on a Computer Adaptive Test  beginning this month.  Assessments will  be administered by all Math and ELA teachers and will likely take one period to complete.  Computer Labs will be reserved for assessment practice. Training and the logistics will shared during Grade Level PLC. 

4) Assessments:  Remember that Georgia has officially withdrawn from the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness of College and Careers Consortium (PARCC).   Click Here for details! 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Teaching Learning Caring

Wow! What a fantastic first eight days of school.  Our first week of school was like boarding a
Mr. Boynton (7th Grade Math) getting
our passengers ready! 
Boeing 747 air plane.  In order to have a successful flight, the flight crew spends a tremendous amount of time checking the equipment and preparing the passengers for the flight. Like a good flight crew, educators also spend a great deal of time creating the atmosphere and preparing the students for the journey.  During our preparation this past week we focused on teaching the rules, reinforcing procedures, making schedule adjustments, and building relationships with our passengers. We truly have an outstanding "flight crew" and our "plane" ,  Flight 4345 Welcome All, is headed to destination "Excellentiam sine excusatione".    "Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned on the Fasten Seat Belt sign. If you haven't done so, please stow your carry-on luggage underneath the seat in front of you or in an overhead bin. If you have any questions about our flight today, please do not hesitate   to ask one of our flight attendants. Thank you!"   (Apologue to be continued....)

Remember this blog is a replacement of my weekly memo.  The blog has three basic sections:  TLC, CIA, and Organizational Update... please review each section for updates to stay connected.


Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment (C.I.A) 

Dan Cathy meets CCMS
students at BizPark!
On Tuesday, August 20, 2013, CCMS five students were selected to represent Fulton County Schools at the grand opening of Junior Achievement Financial Park and Biz Town.  Read more about Financial Park partnerships and commitment to middle school students.
* J.A curriculum will be taught primarily in our 6/7 grade Social Studies classes.  Additional details and resources will be provided during grade meetings the week of August 26.
* Yeah!  CCMS 6th grade class will be the first  middle school to visit Atlanta's Biz Town. Our 6th grade trip to BizTown is scheduled for September 10, 2013. 7th grade will visit Financial Park in October.   
Student @ BizTown...
Looks like the real thing!

1) Classroom Non-negotiable "CIA":  Please review page 6 in CCMS faculty handbook as the administrative team will conduct walkthroughs during the week of August 26 looking for the artifacts on page 6.   Revisit your assessment practices and ensure that you are using data from your pre-assessment to guide instruction.

Beautiful mural depicting history!
Challenge: Great interdisciplinary project..
2) Text Books:  Mr. Russell will complete delivery of all student text books on 8/21/2013. Remember the text books are not the curriculum and the sequencing of the book is not always aligned to our curriculum maps.  If you need assistance with gathering resources contact your Department Chair:  Math: K.Johnson;  Reading: K.Simmons; Science: A.Reddick;  E.LA: G.Kellett;  Social Studies: Ponder;  World Language: Brock; Connections: Seawright


3)  RTI:  "Universal Screener" - We expect to begin administering the universal screener in Math and Reading within in the next two weeks and refine our RTI program.  Effective the week of August 26 all grade levels will have advisement time only two days per week.  Our focus is ensure that we protect the 2nd period class as most required state testing is completed during 2nd period.

4) School Improvement Plan:  An overview of the School Strategic Plan will be shared with SGC the week of August 26 for review and approval.  See the link below to see an overview of our Strategic Plan... All faculty is expected to know our three long term goals: 1) Improve Science/Math 2) Increase High School Readiness  3) Increase Advanced program

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Holland's Reflections 7.28.2013

Teaching Learning Caring 

I trust that you have had a fantastic summer and created some wonderful memories with your loved ones. Our custodians have completed building preparations, and we have opened the building for those of you that are bubbling over with excitement and can not wait to begin this year's  journey.  CCMS will be open for teachers beginning Monday, July 29th, from 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.   Pre- planning  for teachers will begin August 1, 2013; we will have our first meeting at 8:30 a.m. Click the link below to review the most updated pre-planing agenda, the agenda is subject to change.

Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment (C.I.A) 

On Wednesday, July 24, 2013, CCM's school leaders came together for our annual school leadership
retreat.  Approximately twenty of our teachers joined our administrative staff to collectively work on CCMS strategic plan and to discuss improvement strategies. The feedback confirmed

"It is not what is, but what is perceived"
Harry Wong
that this year's leadership retreat was highly engaging, insightful, and productive. Next year, CCMS leadership team will extend the leadership retreat to two days and welcome more staff to participate in our planning session.   A a few highlights:
CCMS school leaders reflect on organizational leadership!
Reflection: What characteristics define a leader? see video clip

1) Leadership Reflection: CCMS Leaders used the "Chalk Talk" protocol to reflect on leadership.  The "Chalk Talk" protocol is an excellent pre-assessment tool and can be used with any group of learners.

2)  School Improvement Plan:  The leadership team used the "data mining" protocol to analyze a wide range of school data.  The data included local, state, and national student assessment results, discipline, student/staff attendance rates, failure rates, and stake holder survey results.  This protocol made it easier for the leadership team to identify "root causes" and develop long-term outcomes and clear objectives.
School Improvement Plan (Draft  7.26.2013)

Organizational Update 

1)  CCMS School Governance Council has approved the mandatory uniform policy for 6th grade students as our first universal request for flexibility for the 2013 -2014 school year. CCMS plan is to extend the policy to the whole school the following school year.  Click Here for more information!

2) CCMS gym floor is currently being repaired. A water leak caused the wood floor to buckle and maintenance is working to complete repairs. It does not appear that our gym will be ready before students return. A contingency plan will be developed for gym classes and shared with the faculty during pre-planning. 

3) Connection Renovation Project:  Family Consumer Science room has been converted to house Alternative Suspension Program and ISS. We are waiting on grant funds to be released to

4) Exploration of Technology and Business Education have been relocated to the "old IMAT" hallway to reduce long transition of students to connection classes and eliminate the congestion in front of gym entrance on the connection hallway.